9 Pragmatic Strategies For Boosting Your Taxi Business
If you are living in a major city, no matter where you are in the world, you probably have some form of taxi booking service in your neighbourhood already. Businesses like Uber have transformed the entire private transportation industry and left companies running after app like Uber. We have many taxi services which use the smartphone today, and the market seems to have reached a stagnant stage.
However, as it turns out, modern businesses like Uber has been able to penetrate the market by 9.8% in 2018. The penetration is expected to increase to 13.3% in 2022 which leaves room for the entry of new players in the industry.
The Top 9 Strategies to Help You Grow Your Taxi Business
The question for you is how to improve customer loyalty, and it all boils down to the user experience along with your marketing strategies.
Today, we are going to give you a lesson on how to boost your taxi business and achieve growth amidst the stiff competition. You can use all of the ways and get more customers on board.
Online Presence and Promotion
The very first thing to do is to get yourself a nice, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing website. 80% of the online population has bought something online, and 71% believe they are going to get a good deal online.
So if you don’t have a website with booking feature, you are losing out big time on exposure. Your website will create brand awareness, make you visible to a wider population of customers and get you more ride requests in the end.
Social Media Presence
The total number of social media users across the globe is going to increase from 2.46 billion in 2017 to 2.77 billion in 2019. You can imagine the potential of social media in creating a huge customer base as 71% of internet users are social media users too!
Get yourself a business account in popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and anything that you can lay your hands upon. Regularly update your taxi business page with relevant content like articles, videos, images and other media.
You can create unique stories featuring your passengers and drivers to engage your customers at a higher level. Also, respond to the queries posted by customers and reply to their feedback regularly.
Read more on Pragmatic Strategies For Boosting Your Taxi Business
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